Triple-K Liquid

Liquid Potash (24% K O) 2
Presentation : Soluble Liquid (SL)
Packing :- 1 L



It is an organic liquid fertilizer containing minimum 24% chelated potash suitable for spray and drip irrigation
(fertigation).It is superior over all potash fertilizers available in the market as it is quickly absorbed and easily available to plants. It regulates the proper movement of water, nutrients, and carbohydrates in the plant tissue. It enhances the photosynthesis (food formation) and prevents the chlorosis in leaves. It increases the uptake of nitrogen and other essential nutrients. It regulates the optimum closing and opening of stomata thus ensures the proper exchanges of gases and water vapour. It maintains sufficient turgor and osmatic pressure in plant tissue and prevents them from wilting and lodging by providing enough strength. It improves water absorption and water holding capacity and provides protection against drought, frost, diseases and insect pests. It ensures production of healthy, bold seed and quality fruits possessing excellent colour, texture and taste. Its use, by and large,leads to proper growth and development of plants and increases yield. Its use is safe to environment and living beings. It is compatible with all pesticides and nutrients formulations used in agriculture sector.


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